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首頁 / 停車申請



  1. 單位線上申請車輛入校,應於入校前2工作日以前提出申請。申請後因故無法入校,恕不退費,非申請購買勾選天數,不可抵用。
  2. 申請單位需於入校前一工作日晚上6點前完成繳費 ,未依規定時間申請之車輛無法入校。
  3. 本校採用車牌辨識系統,申請單位務必告知校外來賓,非申請單上之車號無法入校,並禁止隔夜停車。
  4. 本校尚未開放大型重型機車(紅、黃牌)入校,請承辦單位務必確認申請車輛種類為汽車 。
  5. 車輛由本校大門,經車牌辨識系統進出校園,並限停放平面C、D 類停車區,不可停放室內及地下停車場。
  6. 各類活動經單位申請之車輛收費方式如下:
    1. 計次收費標準:每次新台幣 100 元,採預繳制,由單位提出申請。
    2. 申請停車以當日為限,如未依規定隔夜停放,以計時收費計算。
    3. 計時收費標準:前一小時免收費,逾一小時起,每三十分鐘收費新台幣 30 元,每日最高上限新台幣 300 元。
  7. 達賢圖書館地下停車場收費說明如下:
    1. 計次收費標準:每次新台幣 100元,採預繳制,由單位提出申請。
    2. 申請停車以當日為限,如未依規定隔夜停放,以計時收費計算。
    3. 計時收費標準:小型車每小時收費新台幣30元。停車第一小時未滿半小時免收費,之後每半小時收費新台幣15元,第一小時停車時數逾半小時以上,其超過之不滿一小時部分,仍以一小時計算收費,累計無上限。
  8. 定期來校洽公之貴賓車輛,經校長核定後,免收停車費。為接送本校借調教師,需進入本校之相關單位公務車輛,得免收停車費。


A. How to apply: Log in to iNCCU → NCCU Information System → Vehicle Entry Application for Visiting Guests

B. Instructions for Vehicle Entry Application for Visiting Guests

1. NCCU units must submit an online application for vehicle entry at least two working days in advance of the intended entry date. Please note that application fees are non-refundable, regardless of whether the vehicle enters the premises or not. Unused application days cannot be credited.

2. The applying unit must complete payment by 6:00 PM on the working day before the intended entry date. Vehicles without a timely application will not be permitted campus entry.

3. The university employs a license plate recognition system. The applying unit is responsible for informing visiting guests that only vehicles listed on the application will be permitted campus entry and that overnight parking is strictly prohibited.

4. Large motorcycles (bearing red or yellow license plates) are prohibited from entering the campus. Units must ensure that all applications are for automobiles.

5. All vehicles must enter and exit the campus through the Main Gate, where they will be scanned by the license plate recognition system. Parking is restricted to outdoor parking area C and D. Indoor and underground parking is prohibited.

6. Parking charges for events are as follows:

  1. Per-Entry Fee: NT$100 per entry, prepaid by the applying unit.
  2. Parking Duration: Applications are valid for one day only. Unauthorized overnight parking will be charged on a timed basis.
  3. Timed Parking: The first hour is free. Subsequent parking is charged at NT$30 every 30 minutes, up to a daily maximum of NT$300.

7. The Parking charges for the Dah Hsian Library parking garage are as follows:

  1. Per-Entry Fee: NT$100 per entry, prepaid by the applying unit.
  2. Parking Duration: Applications are valid for one day only. Unauthorized overnight parking will incur additional charges.
  3. Timed Parking: NT$30 per hour. The first 30 minutes are free. Subsequent parking is charged at NT$15 every 30 minutes. If parked for more than 30 minutes but less than an hour, the full hourly rate of NT$30 is charged. There is no daily maximum.

8. For vehicles belonging to distinguished guests who visit regularly, parking fees will be waived upon approval by the university president. Vehicles used for the transportation of seconded teachers during their deployment on assignment are exempt from parking fees.

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